Kokou Bruno Akomagbe

/ #698

2011-01-23 18:49

I am from Togo and i want to tell Obama that all African will remember for this. one day we will reach there and the will pay for all the have done for Africa. Togo, Congo, Gabon, Rwanda, Angola,..... we remember all are from West. We must Know that West can never be friend of Africa. The are too proud and the never apologize for Slavery, colonialism, imperialism, dictatorship, poverty, Aids, Genocide...over and over again.Is time for Africa to look at East. Meme francais on na plus besion de parler . Les francais sont Maudis et ils vont payer ca tot ou tard. Mes enfants ne parleront jamais le francais. il faut que tous les Africains boycotte tous ce qui viens de la france meme leur langue comme moi.