Chady,please forgive me dear friend

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Ce sujet de conversation a été automatiquement créé pour la pétition Chady,please forgive me dear friend.



2012-04-20 04:01

wa ha L3AR awlidi sme7 liha
xiao lee karasu


2012-04-20 04:06

pllllzz forgive her O:)



2012-04-20 04:11

it's ur friend forgive ha please
Aléx Sulli Sixx


2012-04-20 04:26

Plizzz forgive her hiya ida dart hadchi koulou ila ida kounti nit 3ziz 3liha
Khawla Amoudi C

#5 Plz Chady

2012-04-20 04:36

Chady Forgive Her Plz :) 'cause She's Ur Friend ^^

Johan liberte

#6 ---

2012-04-20 04:37

forgive her or not that does not the big deal what really interesting is how can you LOOS someone close to the heart for a simple mistake!

maecy chaimae

#7 Re:

2012-04-20 04:52

#1: -

it's your friend how can you get mad at her ? @__@ omg friendship is everythg ! hadak rah hir chitan ! friends can't tkhasem for more than 3days! remember the great memories you passed together ! and have many otehr good memories that you'll need in the futur ! :3 laysameh yallah hug hug ! <3



2012-04-20 05:08

Forgive her ljed babak lkelb !

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2012-04-20 05:22


#10 plz plz

2012-04-20 05:24

plz forgive her. She is ur friend
As Tahu


2012-04-20 22:12

I really hope you'll understand what she's trying to say.. Please forgive her.. =)

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2012-04-21 06:27



2012-04-21 20:32

Please Forgive your friend :))


2012-04-21 20:45

yallah a Shady lah yerhem walidik forgive her
kim hyuna


2012-04-21 20:53

forgive her lah ir7am biha lwalidin



2012-04-21 20:58

chady regarde se qu'elle a fais pour toi so be nice nd forgive her



2012-04-21 21:56

I DID xD it wasnt a big deal ._.