Perte des permis d'exploitations et d'alcool du Buonanotte

Richard Harrison

/ #17 trolls, baiters, plants.

2013-03-10 19:32

#13: Normand - Re:

These anglo trolls have nothing more to do but call quebercers racists and bash you guys. I see how they are when these rude, nasty english canucks come to our country and trash our stores here in the USA. No wonder you guys want to separate from canuckland. Thay have  a foreign queen as their leader. What a bunch of maple leaf asswipes. Their loose association called kenata will be coming to and end very very soon. They got too comfortable with currupt Jean charest for 9 years. Pay back is a bitch you anglomaniacs. You have no respect for yourselves let alone americans OR Quebecois.  Vivre Bill 101 and vivre le Quebec LIBRE. btw, canada sucks....AND THE OWNER OF BUENANOTTE SHOULD APOLOGIZE BUT HE WON'T CAUSE HE IS A MAFIOSO SHAMEFUL CREEP, HE AIN'T MAN ENOUGH.