Demander la démission de la juge Mme Eliana Marengo
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/ #522015-03-01 21:34Call to Quebecers: yes, those people who are newcomers must respect the elders. But this should not be a reason for any abuse. I said old arrivals; because I did not see in this set of reactions any response from the Abenaki, Algonquin, Cree, Innu, Micmac, Mohawk etc. those, yes, they are the original Quebecers. I imagine that if Innu comes to the course with his feathers, we will ask him to take them off to be heard. Yes, it would be the reaction of a new arrived like Ms Eliana Marengo (the judge). I see in the words of some (alleged original Quebecers) as others (newcomers) a lot of abuse. I say to alleged original Quebecers (Old comers): You earn respect for your institutions, your lifestyle, your values, religious holidays and pseudo-religious holidays as well, your culture and customs. For real. People who come to your country, heard touching things about you, your hospitality, your openness and tolerance. And it's true, me as a newcomer (1997) I witness that. And that's what pushes them to come here. Well, let’s work together to preserve those values that promote peace in our region and around the world. The example of Europe is not appropriate at all. Europe in general and France in particular is not Quebec. It does not contain immigration policy: you are French, naturalized French, or you are temporal. There is no notion of immigrant or citizen statutes. From there, either you are ready to be assimilated or you leave. And so, those who invite the poor lady to leave are very unfair. The lady could tell them, well, you leave, because I'm from Quebec as well as you. Yes, there are many people, who do not know how it is in France, those, I said: please talk about what you know and not what you do not know. We cannot compare two incomparable things. In French law, there is no immigration: you are French or you are the traveler and foreigner. Here, everyone is a citizen from the time he was sworn in. Question: my daughter was born here, she was not under oath to be a citizen because she is automatically Quebecer, since she has a certificate of birth, and my Quebecer neighbor (Quebec name: Levesque), both Muslim and wearing a scarf over her hair. How are we going to put them out of Quebec? Because of their headscarves? Please, try not to mix the Algerian jihadists, bloodthirsty ISIS and a poor lady without work or husband. It is a lie to say that the lady does not want to work or does not seek to do so, because there are thousands like her who seek and didn’t find a job. Not because there is no job for tem; but because many refuses to hire Muslim immigrants (either for the scarf, the skin, etc.). But, I can confirm that there is a great deal of responsibility on the part of Muslims (see below: Call for Muslims). Call to Muslims: If the judge has just a reaction that comes from fear and ignorance, this is because Muslims have not sent or shown the true values they believe in. The first thing, Ms. Rania El-Alloul, please, if there are people who have raised money for you, give them their money back. You are not allowed to take this money even if you are in the need of it. If you don’t, so did you did all that for this charity? I do not believe that Islam allows you to accept charity collected in this way even if you have not intentionally triggered this fundraise. Second, your religion recommends you to excuse. So do not continue with this judge because she does not know. I repeat: in the principles of Islam, excuse the judge and do not accept charity. God is certainly going to find a better compensation for you. For Muslims who want to implement a petition, judicial proceeding and protests, I understand you. You are afraid that this happens in the future, to you, your daughters, your mothers or wives. Know that fear is just in the hearts of unbelievers. Do not do anything; this Judge is one of us, an uninformed citizen. She is a too devoted judge. She’s certainly doing her job correctly. In all cases, it is a judge, and as Muslims we should respect and comply with her decisions. Her reaction is not condemned. Now that the public is aware of the case, pray that our society and our citizens have more peace and foresight in their judgment. For these Muslims I would say: offer our forgiveness and excuses instead of wining your case. You rarely gave a good example of your religion, now is your chance. |
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