Accès interdit à la caserne de pompiers après 25 ans de privilège


/ #14

2016-01-14 16:04

My opinion is that I find this decision made by the councillors and mayor of Atholville, an ultimate lack of respect and human decency toward Mr. Lagace, Mr. Cormier and Mr. Lanteigne. They have served the village in good faith for many years and have done so without a self serving attitude. According to the letter they received, this decision was made because of security and insurance matters. Are we in an era that they think that the three above named former councillors and mayor are a threat to the security of the village? Is the mayor and council so insecure that they have to pass motions like this? I suggest to the mayor and council to start making sound decisions to enable Atholville to become a village that has positive long term objectives, and not to be so petty about little things like removing access to people that donated their time to enhance our village. It would be admirable that the mayor and council say that they have made an error in jugdment and return the key to them, unless they have an ulterior motive!