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#965 Anima-Quebec un autre bande de salaut

2011-04-25 19:18

@ Amy, si je comprends bien le roulement les pets-shop au QC achètent des usines a chiots, quand ils n arrivent pas a vendre ces chiots on les envoient au Berger Blanc...et Amina-Québec est en ligue $ avec les usines et les pets-shop? Wow! si c est vrai, c est aberrant ca!



#966 Re: Anima-Quebec un autre bande de salaut

2011-04-25 20:00:47

#965: - Anima-Quebec un autre bande de salaut 

 Dis donc!  On s'en sortira jamais.  ANIMA-Québec, j'avais tellement confiance en ce nom.  Je le considérais comme un sauveur dand cette cause désespérée.  Quelle foutaise!  On s'en va où là?  On tourne en rond et les coins sont assez carrés merci.  Je n'ose pas imaginer que l'on s'est fait avoir encore une fois.  Les animaux n'ont pas fini de payer de leur vie la cupidité de tout ce monde assoifé de $$$$$$$$$$  Pincez-moi quelqu'un!  Dites-moi que je rêve.


#969 Re: Anima-Quebec CONFLICT OF INTEREST

2011-04-25 20:26:20

#965: - Anima-Quebec un autre bande de salaut

@ #965 What I am saying is that Anima-Québec, like the Berger blanc, cannot be funded by the private sector because in this case, as in many others, there is a conflict of interest. When a professional association like PIJAC lends it's support and/or financing to Anima-Québec, do you think Anima-Québec will go after PIJAC's members? NO! And yet, undoubtedly its members who include large pet production facilities in Québec should most certainly be subject to scrutiny by Anima-Québec. We all know that these "animal producers"have a terrible record regarding animal welfare. And that Québec is the North America capital of puppy mills. The breeding mothers and fathers often live in filthy cages with no sunlight, and very often end up sick and crippled. Pet stores in Québec and everywhere else get their animals almost exclusively from these puppy and kitty mills. Back to the topic of this forum: the Berger blanc - Following the media exposure by Enquéte, Tremblay announced he was sending Anima-Québec in for multiple inspections of the Berger blanc. IF ANIMA-QUÉBEC WHO HAS BEEN INSPECTING THE BERGER BLANC FOR YEARS HAS NOT FOUND THEM GUILTY OF ANY CRUELTY TO ANIMALS TO DATE, DO WE ACTUALLY BELIEVE THEY WILL NOW? NO!!!! AND WHERE HAVE THEY BEEN SINCE THIS EVENT? NO NEWS FROM THEM WHATSOEVER! HIDING BEHIND TREMBLAY'S SKIRTS!