Green Maple Hill derogation > end of Goudrelle and Sucrerie

The Green Maple Hill community Why we think the council of St. Lazare should refuse the minor derogation at the end of Goudrelle and Sucrerie. Over 30 years the need for a park/playground/greenspace as been addressed to the town for the community of Green Maple Hill and the surrounding neighbourhood. At the beginning of those 30 years 2 possibilities were suggested by St Lazare (see pic 1) nothing ever materialized. And the need for recreational space got put in a lower drawer and forgotten. (see pic 1)


Maybe because the green Maple hill residence discovered the space behind East of the swamp. Young and old enjoyed those trails for many years even so it was private property. Unfortunately, the pinch came about 2 years ago when the landowner of lot 3-505-210 and 3-575-146 started to enforce the no trespassing law. (See pic 2)


The news that those two lots are now cleared to be sold and build on it comes for our community as a shocker. We see the last piece of Green Space to go to the way of Construction. Our play and daily walks will be 100% restricted to the streets. For sure, we will no longer see any deer’s, foxes, turkeys etc.   There is nothing west of St. Charles for the kids and foot soldiers. There are just horse trails and RTV trails left. (See pic 3)


How can the city of St Lazare help us? 1.    Reject the derogation 2.    The 2 lots in question will lose on value 3.    The town to negotiate to purchase the 2 lots and propose to the community how to pay for it. 4.    Alone the raise of real estate value of having such a park/playground will convince the community to pay a few more bucks in taxes.

  Bottom line St. Lazare council has always put-up front “quality of life for its citizen” That is also why we moved here and love living here. To build on those 2 lots just 2 houses versus the possibility to gain and reserve greenspace cannot be in this interest.  Rue de Liserons has a lot of lots left to build on without the need of a derogations. To expand there with an existing road would make a lot more sense (see pic 3)




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