Providing Native B.C. Communities

Last week, the British Columbia government notified that it would sanction a one-off grant to local indigenous communities. The payment would be worth approximately CA$74 million, and would be compensation for First Nation, which has accumulated huge losses during the casino property closures over the past two years.

A few years ago, in 2017, the BC government signed a reconciliation agreement with the indigenous community for 7% of the British Columbia Lottery Company's revenue. However, an unprecedented emergency in March 2020 forced the Crown Company to close its property and saw its profits fall 80% over the year.

On Thursday, Indigenous Relations Minister Murray Rankin confirmed that First Nations would compensate for the casino's lack of payments. This will be done by issuing a one-off grant of CA$74 million. Through this grant, local governments expect the fund to help secure indigenous communities and community services.

Mr Rankin said recent floods and wildfires are having a bigger impact on indigenous people than most communities, adding that unprecedented conditions put the funding drop at $74 million less than expected when both sides inked a sharing agreement in 2017.

The agreed casino revenue sharing agreement has been in place for 25 years and revenue from Crown Corporation's lottery and casino activities is now almost back to normal. According to BCLC, 7% of shares accumulated from 2019 to 2021 to more than 123 million CA. The Crown's earnings are said to be managed by the executive committee of the K2NAC National Council and the B.C. First Nation Games Committee, which is co-chaired by Judith.

Ktunaxa Nation is making a big contribution to the development of revenue-sharing contracts, transforming the former st. Eugene residential school in the kuttenay territory into a successful golf resort with casinos. Mr Tennes said the grant would ensure that the Aboriginal community would resume its plans for this year and next year and implement its priorities.

This year, the BCLC has recovered further from the effects of unprecedented circumstances. In February, Crown Agency's PlayNow online platform announced its best ever Super Bowl betting tally. This is the first Super Bowl since the legalization of a single event betting, with the platform handling about 2.1 million CA in the NFL Finals.

Recently, BCLC also debuted in corporate Knights' first social purpose report, titled "The Path to Social Purpose Transition: Helping Companies Move from "Speaking" to "Doing." In the report, Crown was rated Platinum and recognized for outstanding service and contribution to the state of British Columbia and the community.


BY: 파워볼사이트

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