Engager le peuple dans les synodes du Pape François



I believe we are the Church and we need to change to go on growing and living.

Jeannie Bennett Fleming (Dagsboro, 2021-08-11)


Because It is time for the magisterium to understand that the Spirit expresses Herself not only through the ordained section of the (a) church. We all are expressions of the Spirit, baptized or not, Catholic or not, any gender, any nationality, any capacity, “We are” the voice God - humanity and the rest of the creation are the voices of God.

Veronica Russell (Calgary, 2021-08-11)


As a lay person, I want to dialogue with the priests and bishops who lead Church life as it affects me. I think about the issues, and put my trust in the Holy Spirit. I want change within the Church and for the Church to use its influence to draw attention to climate change and how we can protect planet earth. We are the Church! We have a message and a mission . . . . Alexina

Alexina Murphy (Victoria, BC, 2021-08-11)


I am signing because I deeply long for a reform in the Catholic Church where women and men are treated equally and the heirachial state is abolished. and clericalism too. The times of meeting at a community mass must be more enriching for the parish with the people taking a more responsible part and enobling their theology..

Elizabeth Winkley (LONDON. ENGLAND UK, 2021-08-11)


Diocesan leadership needs parishioners’ Gospel views and values.

James Burdick (Reno, 2021-08-11)


I'm signing because the Church is engaged in male supremacy and needs to be more inclusive.

David Roeding (Villa Hills, 2021-08-11)


I'm signing because I believe that the Church is in dire need of reform, and reform that comes from the bottom up. The time is now or never!

Mary Danhauer (Owensboro, 2021-08-11)


I know so many people who are ready to give up on the Catholic Church. It is about time we, from all walks of life, are heard. I also have concern that the church is trying to move us back to pre- Vatican II. Whatever happened to “Open the windows and let in the fresh air?” Evolution includes the church and we cannot remain stagnant, worse yet, go backwards.

Barb Kearney-Schupp (Seattle, 2021-08-11)


The Church can do so much good in the world if it moves on with the times--and if women were equal partners in the hierarchical structure.

Marie Cerny (Toronto, 2021-08-11)


The Catholic hierarchy and magisterium are rapidly losing their credibility and becoming irrelevant to masses of the laity worldwide, because they have lost touch with the laity's needs and the Consensus Fidelium itself. This Synod must be embraced by the bishops as their last chance to reconnect with many of their people.

Daryl Domning (Silver Spring, MD, 2021-08-11)


I need to see EQUALITY for all God's created people - totally inclusive. Let us focus on LOVE and not discrimination and hierarchy .

marie carver (toronto, 2021-08-11)


I’m signing because I believe in Lumen Gentium 37 promulgated by Vatican II.

John Paone (Mashpee, 2021-08-11)


Ich unterschreibe, weil mir die Entwicklung unserer Kirche in Europa eine immer größere Last wird. Wenn wir uns nicht von Grund auf noch einmal fragen, was Jesus eigentlich wirklich gewollt hat, haben wir keine Kraft mehr, in Europa das kommende Jahrhundert zu überleben ...

Fred Ritzhaupt (Göppingen, 2021-08-11)


I'm signing because it's time our church became more welcoming and inclusive. We need to acknowledge our sin of racism and stop committing trauma on dark skinned people. We need to apologize for past wrongs and encourage all Catholics to live the Gospel of love and forgiveness.

Susan Sherman (Louisville, 2021-08-11)


I am signing because I am tired of waiting for the recommendations of Vatican 2 to finally be fully realized.

Gertrud Jaron LEWIS (Toronto, 2021-08-11)


Jesús calls us to love one another

julie wood (louisville, 2021-08-11)


Clericalism, special interest apostolates and lack of full inclusion of women to serve our Church is stifling the work of the Holy Spirit and muting the gifts the laity have been given by the Spirit

Barb Born (LA area, 2021-08-11)


A truly communal, synodal structure appears to be the only way to adhere to the Gospel.

Stephen LaCroix (Owen Sound, 2021-08-11)


We are the people of God and have a responsibility to pray, speak and be involved in equal representation for our church’s future .

Maureen J Belinson (Shaker Heights, 2021-08-11)


Synodality = Democracy

Colm Holmes (Blackrock, 2021-08-11)


I consider myself a responsible member of my church.

Donald Kretschmann (ROCHESTER, 2021-08-11)


It may be the last best chance to regain some credibility by moving towards more democracy and accountability. In Canada public disdain for the Church mounts.

Rosemary Ganley (Peterborough, 2021-08-11)


I long for a church who is lives the Word, the gospel instead of a church that conforms for power and money, Where is the love that Jesus taught us?

Therese Terns (Dearborn, 2021-08-11)


The Church is the people and the bishops have done a terrible job. The guide absolutely and have no idea how the people live.

Mary Ellen Gaffney (Bloomfield hills Michigan, 2021-08-11)


Haven heard nothing from our Bishop. Have written him, but no response yet.

NDiane Prince (Fruitvale, 2021-08-11)


Give Francis a go ...he knows it's time, whilst we still have a chance.
Did Jesus say he'd be with us forever... but I'm sure he meant that we need to help ourselves....from the ground up.

Colleen Ledlin (Newcastle, 2021-08-11)


I’m signing because the institutional Catholic Church is in crises and in need of urgent reform. I’m signing to help bring about justice in our church especially for women and LGBTI people.

Ursula Halligan (Dublin, 2021-08-11)


I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to spek through the people of God.

Helen Freris (Melbourne, 2021-08-11)


The actual survival of the Catholic Church is at stake. Current policies are not working despite decades of prayers for priest vocations. God's voice in the people is not being heard. Jesus' teachings and modeling of "church" are not being followed.

Patricia Urban (Dearborn, 2021-08-11)


we - the laity - make up the majority of "the church"

jill Uhr (Woolloongabba, 2021-08-11)


As the laity we are the Church. When 2 or 3 of us are gathered Jesus is there. We want a Church that follows in His footsteps, not one run by patriarchs.

Carol Zwaans (Huntington beach, 2021-08-11)


I'm signing because I am concerned about the loss of relevance of the Church in our modern world. The Church has to have meaning for all people; to be looked up to as an important leader.

Brian Rathborne (SYDNEY, 2021-08-12)


There must be more openness and inclusivity in the church.

Kathryn Shreck (Centerport, 2021-08-12)


I want to have NO ONE excluded from participating in the Rituals and Sacraments of our Catholic Church by man made rules as well intentioned as these may be. Loving acceptance creates Loving People!

Guy Nucifora (Woongarrah, NSW, 2021-08-12)


We should all participate.

Joseph Healey (Cork, 2021-08-12)



David Jones (Eaglemont, 2021-08-12)


I'm signing because I am very concerned about the structure of the church at the moment and want to see a more welcoming and compassionate approach to those who are currently excluded.

Joan Smiley (Sydney, 2021-08-12)


The Catholic Church needs the involvement of lay people in its governance.

Pedro Freitas (Lisbon, 2021-08-12)


I believe that much change is needed, esp. in the area of Clericalism. Our Church can grow by leaps and bounds if the right perspective is internalized by the majority of the members of the Catholic Church.

David Lobo (Bangalore, 2021-08-12)


I’m signing this because I believe that the laity should be more involved in decision-making in the Church. Please, please, please, include us

Patricia Byrne (London, 2021-08-12)


I feel he is an unhonesr person

Thomas Cipich (South holland, 2021-08-12)


The Church must listen to the Laity, especially women, and not take them for granted, or give lip service to their concerns. The Laity Must be strongly represented in Synods, and not there as a token. There should be equal representation of the Laity and Bishops!!!
The Church's attitude to LGTBQ people must change!!I Their treatment is disgraceful and lacking in charity!! God does not make rubbish!!!!!

Phillip Reilly (Sydney, 2021-08-12)


I'm signing because I am frustrated to see what has become of the American Catholic Church. Clericalism has been the undoing of the Church, yet it continues to be embraced by those with the power to make change. It's past due time to refocus on issues other than abortion and to relinquish the centuries old effort to limit the role of women.

Marie Inserra (Peekskill, 2021-08-12)


Engaging the whole people of the Church in a process of synodality is the only and possibly the last chance of saving the Roman Church from disappearing in western Europe in to a rump and insignificant entity.

Terence McCarthaigh (Bath, 2021-08-12)


I feel my spiritual home has let me down by clericalism, misogyny, and a minimalization of its own teaching on social justice.

margaret shields (Bryn Mawr, 2021-08-12)


Many changes are needed in the church to make it more inclusive and welcoming to all. The hierarchical church must invite all Catholics to participate in Pope Francis call to action.

Fred Spatz (Sharonville, 2021-08-12)


The laity needs to be included in more church decisions and activities.

Walter Raines (Cincinnati, 2021-08-12)


Je signe parce que je crois que notre communauté catholique a quelque chose à dire pour sauver notre planète. Sa contribution au bien commun se révèle à la base .

Serge Levillayer (Granville, 2021-08-12)


I'm signing because the laity must be heard in matters of doctrine, morality, liturgy and church organization.

Tom Maher (Cincinnati, 2021-08-12)


I believe that it is time for the Church to recapture the spirit and practices of its earliest times rather than continue the imposition of later practices based on monarchical rule.

Peter Albion (Toowoomba, 2021-08-13)


Too much testosterone in the Catholic Church. They need to hear from the other half of humanity. I love Pope Frank.

Colleen Collar (Big Bear Lake CA, 2021-08-13)


...damit die Katholische Kirche im 21. Jahrhundert eine Chance hat.

Ulrich Pietsch (Paderborn, 2021-08-13)


The Catholic Church is still not catholic. Excluding women from the clerical states is a violation of all that Jesus taught.

Bob Sauerbrey (bright, 2021-08-13)


I believe people of every walk in life and a large large section of laity should participate in the conferences toward reform of the church.

Virginia Froehle (Cincinnati, 2021-08-13)


I support the Pope's call for synodality which means including all voices!!!! Not just those with money. The People of God IS the Church and all are welcome.

Kathleen Bryant (Culver City, 2021-08-13)


I have felt alienated for decades from the male patriarchy we call church. In truth I hold little hope that Pope Francis’ call to hear the voices of women, the poor and the marginalized will lead to a more inclusive church, for it seems to me that only a miracle or the equivalent of a volcanic eruption in the Church would actually shake the grip of the wealthy, racist, misogynist patriarchy and its addiction to power. But I sign this, hoping for such a miracle.

Catherine Caron (Spokane, 2021-08-14)


Je signe parce qu’il est important que l’Eglise s’ouvre à tous, que les laïcs soient plus impliqués afin d’être crédible au monde d’aujourd’hui.

Régine RINGWALD (Paris, 2021-08-14)


I'm signing because WE are the church and the Holy Spirit speaks to ALL of us, though some of us choose not to hear (the Word falls on deaf ears.) All of those who have ears need to be represented in our church.

Barbara Guerin (Reno, 2021-08-15)


The laity need to be heard. The first thing I have to say is FIRE GOMEZ and the rest of the arch-conservative, anti-Francis power brokers who have shown themselves to be the authentic pharisees of the 21st century.

Michael Briley (Ojai, 2021-08-15)


Je crains que les évêques de France ne confisquent la voix des baptises: or nous avons des choses à dire.

Christine TASSET (L'HAY-LES-Roses, 2021-08-15)


I would like reform in all of the areas mentioned in the list, especially I look for optional celibacy, return to ministry priests who are married, woman priests and acceptance of remarried divorced to Eucharist.

Joseph Ruane (Philadelphia, 2021-08-16)


I am signing because I think a synod for the people is an important initiative coming from Pope Francis.

Nancy Bramlage (Cincinnati, 2021-08-16)


je signe parce que ce peut être un début pour avancer vers des communautés où l'Evangile, c'est à dire la Bonne Nouvelle libératrice, pourra commencer de nouveau à être entendue. Ce qui compte ce n'est pas le culte, mais c'est le Royaume, et donc c'est changer le monde, en faire une fraternité universelle. Il y a du boulot !!!

michel gigand (CAEN, 2021-08-16)


My kids though brought up in a catholic environment , schools , mass etc some even married in church , they’re not involved anymore or THEIR children !
That’s the end of the line isn’t it? So in 20 years time or so there will be no more members in the church !!!
So something has to change !
Won’t worry me , Ill be dead !

James Deery (Bairnsdale, 2021-08-17)


Parce que je trouve que l'Eglise, à l'image de ce qu'elle prêche en permanence, face preuve de DISCERNEMENT dans l'application des dogmes (notamment les divorcés-remariés)

Olivier Lefébure (Paris, 2021-08-17)


I agree wholeheartedly, Vatican 11 was the start not the finish of our Australian Church, unless this is the start of revitalising the church it will be the demise of our Australian Church.

Gerard Smith (Bendigo, 2021-08-17)


I'm signing bcause I want a churc that lives the Gospel

leo kane (sydney, 2021-08-17)


Patriarchal practices&attitudes, Abusive priests only tried in Church courts,Women viewed as complementary and inferior to men and not considered eligible for ordination, not even to the diaconate, women not allowed to preach at mass. outdated hierarchical structure, abortion seen by too many as the only important issue, bishops who presume to judge certain legislators as unworthy of communion rather than seeing communion as bread for the journey.

Kate Barry (Middlebury, 2021-08-17)


Church is for everyone.

Margaret Watson (Doncaster, 2021-08-17)


I believe this is what Jesus would want us to do.

Frances Greene (Cape Town, 2021-08-17)


I was a cradle Catholic deeply committed. I have left the Catholic church and now worship at the local Anglican Church which has been of great comfort.
Reform of the structure of the Roman church is so long over due and may be impossible. It does not respond to the gospel in its form. Mercifully many faithful give shining witness to the gospel message but have no voice in the church proper.

Margaret Maher (Melbourne, 2021-08-17)


this is a crucial moment in the Church's life and

Joan Roddy (Dublin 24, 2021-08-17)


I'm signing because I have always fully accepted the teachings of Vatican II and see this initiative in complete consonance with the Council.

Paul Paniccia (Reading, 2021-08-17)


Since too many of our bishops have gone over to the dark side in a mistaken belief that their authority must be defended above all costs, they definitely need to listen carefully to what the People of God have to say.

Kenneth Jones (Silver Spring, 2021-08-17)


The Catholic Church should change its ways, from Coelibat, to women priests and most of all
condemm and punish sexual abuse by the
Catholic churches priests, Bishops etc.
This is an utter disgrace to our church and

Bernhard Andreas (Sandton, 2021-08-17)


The people are the Church

Dorothy Ritter (Fraser, 2021-08-17)


All this movement towards a People Church is imperative 50+ years after Vatican II.

Ellen Dunn (Mingo Junction, 2021-08-17)


I’d like to remain Catholic, but it’s not welcoming. Excludes too many people.

Martha Brower (Camden, ME, 2021-08-17)


With the present structure of my church I feel the church is losing its moral compass. The Eucharist has become a political issue. Bishops have become too powerful. Women are not represented nor valued for their talents. It is time for our church to change!

Frank Mcilmail (Rochester, 2021-08-17)


The Church has made much progress during the last 30 years but the shortage of priests, absence of young people and a general decline point to the fact that it is no longer perceived as relevant to our time. I have long felt that the state and the law are the pro-active leaders regarding modern values about fairness and equality. There are areas where the Church needs to catch up but I don't expect to see this in my lifetime.

John Martel (weston super mare, 2021-08-17)


Je signe car il est essentiel que les disciples de Jésus soient consultés sur les réformes à entreprendre pour leur Eglise de façon à expliciter le "sensus fidelium" comme le recommande le concile Vatican II (Lumen Gentium IV,37) : "Dans la mesure de leurs connaissances, de leurs compétences et de leur situation, ils [les laïcs ] ont la faculté et même parfois le devoir de manifester leur sentiment en ce qui concerne le bien de l’Église."

François BECKER (Saint Jean de Luz, 2021-08-17)


Le temps est venu de refonder l'Eglise.

Marie-Anne Jehl (Strasbourg, 2021-08-17)


je signe parce que ce point :" Présence de laïcs formés pour administrer dans les paroisses et les petites communautés chrétiennes où il est prévu qu'aucun prêtre ne sera disponible" me semble essentiel pour le rural.

Alphonse GOURLAIN (allonne, 2021-08-17)


For years I’ve wanted to feel more included and represented in my Catholic community. I do not belong to a parish anymore. Yet, I am part of a Catholic community where we practice our faith through weekly zoom masses with an ordained priest who is retired and 89. At the moment we have found no viable replacement for him. We do social justice work such as sponsoring 2 Syrian families in 2015 and 2019, providing water stations for the homeless, contribute to Kawartha Food Bank, march in solidarity for Poverty, LGBQ and Climate Change in Peterborough and recently met at St. Peter’s Cathedral to walk in solidarity with our
Brothers and sisters from Curve Lake and Hiawatha reserves on World Indigenous Day in June. I only our 89 yr old priest representing the church. We know laity should be more utilized and valued in the greater Catholic church community . Many of our Catholic members are in the Abraham Festival which works for peace and understanding in our Muslim, Jewish and Christian interfaith group. It’s been difficult to get support from the Catholic hierarchy for this. Even Trudeau acknowledged the work we did to raise money to renovate the mosque burned in 2015/16.
We believe Small Christian Communities have to be acknowledged and nurtured. Let’s bring our Catholic Church into the 21st C. The hierarchical model is archaic and needs to evolve. Voices from the Catholic grassroots communities can and should be listened to through this synod. Thank you Pope Francis.

Ann Hobday (Selwyn, 2021-08-17)


Unless the hierarchy listens AND ATTENDS TO the larger Church, that is the laity, both men and women, the Catholic Church will not be relevant enough for the remaining faithful. It will be left behind as we leave and continue to do Christ's work on earth without it.

Lyn Yount (Bloomington, 2021-08-17)


I support Pope Francis' desire to convene a synod to include all voices within the Church.

Florence Deaner (Winter Haven, FL, 2021-08-17)


I believe the Holy Spirit is moving us in this direction.

Edward Palumbos (Rochester, 2021-08-17)

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